These paticular poles can be found on St. George, near the University of Toronto campus in (you guessed it) Toronto, although I imagine that accumulated posters create similar eye-level bulges in many cities.
I believe that the poles are periodically stripped, only to grow and bulge in similar ways all over again.
Location: St. George St., near the U of T campus (between College St. and Bloor St.). By transit: take the subway to St. George station, and walk South
Submitted by: aislinn thomas; photos taken by jon pipitone
ok, i admit it, i am a "poster" and that I belong to the crowd to make the poles bulge. I my flyers EVERYWHERE. but i do need to let you know that there is an unspoken posting etiquette. here's the thing. It's NOT okay to put your flyer on top of someone else's. That's totally disrespectful. What is totally cool is helping to maintain the orderliness of a community board by doing a little maintenance before you post your stuff. It's really good of you to scan the board for out of date stuff and remove it (putting it in your bag to recycle later, of course). Then reorganize the space: consider putting all the business cards in one space and playing tetris with the remaining flyers. It feels so good. Trust me. you'll want to do it next time you consider posting something. You will. Consider it your good deed for the day.