I discovered the Horizontal Tree when walking by the river on my way home one afternoon. I noticed a person lying on a branch, napping in the tree. As I walked by, she said something to me. It turned out to be a woman that I'd met the day before. It turned out to be the first of a number of afternoons we spent hanging out in there.
Perhaps "Horizontal Tree" is an inappropriate title for this tree. Like most trees it grows vertically from the ground, except that the bulk of it seems to have grown out instead of up. Its branches reach towards the river, and it is a dream to climb for those like myself who are curious enough to want to climb a tree, but not nimble enough to attempt such a feat under most circumstances. There are probably many more similar trees out there. I'd like to know about them.
Location: The north side of the Eramosa River, in Lyons Park. It is east of Gordon St. past the Ukrainian church, and well before Victoria Road. It is visible from the gravel walking trail.
Details: It can be muddy in the spring time, or whenever the water level is high.
Submitted by: aislinn thomas