Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ricky Receptacle

For a few months I lived near Sunny Acres Park in Guelph. I would often walk by GCVI (Guelph Collegiate Vocational Institute, the local high school) on my way to work. It was at least a month of walking along Arnold St. before I noticed that the garbage cans were special beyond the fact of their blue-ness. The downtown area has pretty average black metal garbage cans with an open top, and I appreciated the beat up blue garbage cans by the west end of the high school. I began to appreciate them even more when I took the time to actually read the flap. "RICKY RECEPTACLE SAYS THANK YOU," is written in raised text. Or as a friend pointed out, "RECEPTACLE SAYS RICKY THANK YOU."

It still makes my day to think about it.

On a side note, when I finally went by with a camera to document these garbage cans, there was a group of kids smoking beside Ricky. One fellow asked me what I was doing, why it was that I was taking a picture of the garbage can. I pointed out the flap. It turns out that he had never noticed the text either.

Location: Arnold St. between Paisley and Liverpool
Details: Every so often the garbage cans get moved to mow the lawn and so on. Every time this happens I worry that they are being replaced. There is usually a garbage can on the NW corner of Paisley and Arnold outside the convience store. It doesn't seem to be moved.
Submitted by: aislinn thomas

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